Understood and used properly, the procurement law for public-sector clients is not a bureaucratic obstacle but a structuring tool for procurement projects. We help our clients to implement procurement concepts in a legally secure and efficient way.
During that process we explain to our clients, in an easy-to-understand way, the options available under procurement law and support them as best as we can with any needs-based procurement. Our range of services covers all phases of the procurement process starting with conceptional advice prior to the call for tender and ending with defending clients against bidders’ applications before reviewing authorities or in connection with disputes arising in the wake of contract processing. If required, we act as an external tendering office and take on the entire organisational handling of the tender process. We advise public-sector clients also on ways of working together outside the sphere of procurement law and develop concepts of inter-municipal cooperation.
When we represent bidders, we assist them with the drawing up and optimisation of participation applications and bids. Checking tender documents for potential tender errors, implementing bidders’ rights by presenting bidders’ complaints (Bieterrügen) as well as representing our clients in tender review procedures is part of our consultation portfolio. Hence, our clients benefit from our experience of advising both principals and contractors and our thorough knowledge of the framework conditions that must be met by both sides.
Tenders also take place beyond the sphere of procurement law. We assist authorities and councils with the selection of investors for town planning projects or the privatisation of companies. Hence, our advisory service combines practical experience of procurement law issues with competence in state aid law.