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  • Sustainability & Impact - Sustainable IP
  • Sustainability & Impact - Environmental law
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  • Umwelt, Gewerbe und Industrie - Beihilfenrecht und Fördermittel
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  • Umwelt, Gewerbe und Industrie - Umwelt und Anlagenzulassung
  • Umwelt, Gewerbe und Industrie - Umweltrecht und Naturschutz
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  • Wind and photovoltaic parks
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Legal Notices

Notices in accordance with § 5 DDG and DL-InfoV

The pages of the web site www.rittershaus.net have been prepared by:

RITTERSHAUS Rechtsanwälte PartmbB
Harrlachweg 4
68163 Mannheim

Tel.: +49 (0)621 42 56-0
Telefax: +49 (0)621 42 56-250
Internet: www.rittershaus.net
Email: info(at)rittershaus.net

Authorised Partners:

Prof. Dr. Christof Hettich
Wendelin Frhr. von Ketelhodt
Dr. Wolf-Henrik Friedrich
Dr. Daniel Weisert
Jörg Döhrer
Verena Eisenlohr, LL.M.
Dr. Martin Bürmann
Dr. Annette Sättele
Mark Oliver Kühn, LL.M.
Dr. Hartmut Fischer
Dr. Markus Bauer
Dr. Patrick Certa 
Dr. Martin Schmidhuber
Dr. Werner H. Born
Dr. Claudia Pleßke
Dr. Christina Eschenfelder
Dr. Andreas Torka
Bernhard Naujack, LL.M.
Dr. Michael Kühn
Dr. Matthias Uhl
Dr. Daniel F. Berg
Lars Schmidt
Dr. Marc Hauser
Dr. Anno Haberer
Corinna Stiehl
Dr. Felix Klemt
Dr. Marco Wicklein
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Tödtmann
Dr. Christoph Rung
Dr. Kirsten Girnth
Henrik Steffen Becker
Dr. Patrick Treitz
Dr. Milena Charnitzky
Prof. Dr. Antje Boldt
Steffen Holatka
Manuela Luft
Julia Zerwell
Dr. Wolfgang Patzelt
Dr. Daniel Pflüger
Dr. Michael Grünwald
Dr. Florian Hänle, MBA
Dr. Marina Schäuble
Ulrich Loetz
Anna Bens
Dr. Helena Laugwitz LL.M. Eur.
Julia Reumann
Dr. Marek Vrzal
Elmar Günther, Maître en droit


Registered Office:
Mannheim - Local Court of Mannheim: PR 700133
VAT Identification No.: DE 143856729

Out-of-court settlement of disputes:

Upon a respective motion, disputes between lawyers and their clients may be settled out of court by the respective regional bar association (pursuant to Sec. 73 (2) no. 3 in connection with Sec. 73 (5) BRAO) or by the mediation panel of the Federal Bar Association (Sec. 191 f. BRAO), which can be found on the web site of the mediation panel of the Federal Bar Association (www.s-d-r.org), e-mail: schlichtungsstelle(at)s-d-r.org.


Online Dispute Resolution platform and Consumer Conciliation Procedures (Art. 14 para 1 of the ODR-Ordinance and § 36 German Consumer Protection Act):
The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court dispute resolution, which can be found at ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
In Germany, the competent consumer conciliation board for disputes over proprietary interests resulting from a client relationship is the

Lawyers' Meditation Board (Schlichtungsstelle der Rechtsanwaltschaft)

Neue Grünstraße 17 0179 Berlin, www.schlichtungsstelle-der-rechtsanwaltschaft.de.

RITTERSHAUS Rechtsanwälte PartmbB does not participate in procedures for dispute resolution before a consumer conciliation board.


Pecuniary damage indemnity insurance:

In Germany lawyers, notaries and tax consultants are obliged to effect a professional indemnity insurance and to inform about. The insurance agency of RITTERSHAUS Rechtsanwälte PartmbB is

ERGO Versicherung AG

ERGO-Platz 1

40477 Düsseldorf

Territorial scope of the insurance: worldwide.

The relationships with our clients shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, exclusive of the choice of law rules of the Federal Republic of Germany.

For further Information relating to lawyers, the tax consultant and the notary please click on the professional groups below.